

1 简介
2 饮食的承诺和好处
3 可以吃和不可以吃的食物

plant-based 以植物为基础的
whole grains 全麦食物
beans 豆类
nuts 坚果
seeds 种子
fish 鱼
poultry 家禽,鸡肉
eggs 鸡蛋
yogurt 酸奶
cheese 奶酪
olive oil 橄榄油
herbs and spices 草药和香料
red wine 红酒
water 水
fruit 水果
veggies 蔬菜
potatoes 土豆
seafood 海鲜
grill 烧烤
broil 烤
clementine 橘子
pita chips 皮塔片
hummus 鹰嘴豆蓉
gluten 麸质
vegetarians 素食主义者
vegans 纯素食主义者
heart health 心脏健康
longevity 长寿
obesity 肥胖症
diabetes 糖尿病
high blood pressure 高血压
cholesterol 胆固醇
certain cancers 某些癌症
chronic diseases 慢性疾病
anti-inflammatory 抗炎
environmentally-friendly 环境友好的
1. Delicious food that’s stood the test of time and helps keep you healthy for years to come.
这是一个主从复合句。主句是“Delicious food that’s stood the test of time”,从句是“helps keep you healthy for years to come”。
2. Even if you don’t follow the diet faithfully, simply eating more of the foods on the plan, dining more leisurely, and being more active are superb health goals.
这是一个含有介词的复杂句。主句是“Even if you don’t follow the diet faithfully, simply eating more of the foods on the plan, dining more leisurely, and being more active ”, 介词短语“are superb health goals”作表语。
3. For weight loss, stick with it more than 6 months (preferably forever), get regular exercise, and watch your portions.
这是一个并列复合句,由三个并列分句构成:“stick with it more than 6 months (preferably forever)”、“get regular exercise”和“watch your portions”。
4. If you’re looking for a long-term lifestyle change, this can be a fun and realistic way to do it.
这是一个主从复合句。主句是“If you’re looking for a long-term lifestyle change”,从句是“this can be a fun and realistic way to do it”。
5. You’ll eat mostly plant-based foods, including grains, potatoes, whole-grain bread, beans, nuts, and seeds.
这是一个主从复合句。主句是“You’ll eat mostly plant-based foods”,从句是“including grains, potatoes, whole-grain bread, beans, nuts, and seeds”。
The Mediterranean Diet
There’s no single Mediterranean diet plan, but in general, you’d be eating lots of fruits and vegetables, beans and nuts, healthy grains, fish, olive oil, small amounts of meat and dairy, and red wine.
This lifestyle also encourages daily exercise, sharing meals with others, and enjoying it all.
What You Can Eat and What You Can’t
You’ll eat mostly plant-based foods, including fruits and vegetables, potatoes, whole-grain bread, beans, nuts, and seeds.
You can have yogurt, cheese, poultry, and eggs in small portions. You should eat fish and seafood at least twice a week. “Good” fats get a stamp of approval: Think olives, extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, sunflower seeds, and avocados instead of butter or margarine. You’ll use olive oil a lot while cooking. Reach for herbs and spices to add flavor.


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