


重要的: key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial

有害的: bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental

有益的: useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,

明显的: clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent

急剧的:dramatically, drastically, sharply, hugely, enormously, steeply, substantially,considerably, radically, remarkably, significantly, markedly, vastly, surprisingly, noticeably, strikingly

平稳的:steadily, smoothly, slightly, slowly, marginally, gradually, moderately, mildly

因此: so, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this

大约: approximately, almost, about, around, nearly, roughly

与……相比: compared with, compared to, in comparison with, in comparison to, by comparison with, by comparison to

对比而言: by contrast, in contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely

事实上: practically, in practice, essentially, in essence, in reality, in effect, in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that

换言之: namely, that is to say, in other words, to put it like this, to put it differently, to put it from another way, to put it from another angle

解决: solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle

损害: damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize

给予: give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford

培养: develop, cultivate, foster

使迷惑: puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle

认为: think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced

保护: protect, conserve, preserve

确保: assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge

消除: eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away

导致:lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate

增长至: grow to, rise to, increase to, go up to, climb to, ascend to, jump to, shoot to

降低至: dip to, fall to, decline to, decrease to, drop to, go down to, reduce to, slump to, descend to, sink to, slide to

宣称: allege, assert, declare, claim

发生: happen, occur, take place

原因: reason, factor, cause

发展: development, advance, progress

影响: influence, impact, effect

占: comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose

展示: show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent

波动: fluctuate, go ups and downs, display a fluctuation, demonstrate a fluctuation

保持稳定: level out, do not change, remain stable, remain still, remain steady, be stable, maintain the same level, remain unchanged, be still, remain the same level, stay constant, keep at the same level, level off, stabilize, keep its stability, even out

优势: advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength

缺陷: disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness

要求: request, demand, needs, requisition


able → capable, in a(n) position

all the time → continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually

a lot → noticeably, considerably, a great deal, substantially

a lot of → many, numerous, a wide variety of (themes), a whole range of, a wide spectrum of (problems, themes, etc), an abundance of (opportunities, sources etc.)

always → invariably

amount → quantity

as a result → consequently

basically → essentially, in essence, substantially

be amount to → constitute

become smaller → be the decrease/decline, decrease, decline,

diminish, dwindle, recede

become worse → deteriorate

before → prior to

begin → commence

better → superior

be(come) used to → be(come) accustomed to

big → major, significant, substantial

carry out → conduct, execute, commit, implement

change → alter, alteration, modify, modification

do → conduct, transact (business)

do not → fail to, omit to

end → conclusion (to bring sth. to a conclusion)

enough → ample, sufficient, adequate (grounds, evidence

everywhere → ubiquitous (mistakes), pervasive (influence)

fairly → comparatively, moderately

find out → ascertain (the cause of sth, the truth of sth, whether sth is true or not, what really happened etc), discern, discover (the cause of, factors behind sth, etc)

fitting → proper, appropriate

hatred → animosity

have → contain, be equipped with, possess

if → in the event of, in case (of)

in the end → eventually, finally, ultimately

keep (doing) → continue, continually, continuously, consistently,

constantly, persist in

know → be aware of, conversant with, familiar with

later → subsequent(ly)

less and less → decreasing(ly)

let, allow → permit

like → to be partial to sth, liking

liking → predilection for sth, partiality for sth

long → extensive (coverage, footnotes, passages, scope), protracted (delay, negotiations), prolonged (illness, interrogation)

look at → consider, examine (argument, fact), explore, investigate (possibility), observe (behavior)

money → funding, funds, resources

more and more → increasingly

much → considerably, substantially

need → demand, require

next to → adjacent

now → at present, at this juncture, at this moment, currently

often → frequent(ly)

quick(ly) → rapid(ly), prompt(ly)

rich, wealthy → affluent, opulent (society, life-style)

right → appropriate, correct, proper

set up → establish (a new state, a government, a business), institute (custom, inquiry, rule, restrictions, democracy, government)

sharp → abrupt, drastic (rise and falls)

show → demonstrate, evince, manifest

side → aspect (of a problem)

small → minor/insignificant (problems, differences etc), marginal (differences)

therefore → consequently

thing → element, aspect, object, factor, consideration

too → excessively, inordinately, unduly

too many → an excessive number of, a disproportionate number of

too much → excessive(ly)

try → endeavor, strive

understand → appreciate

ups and downs → vicissitudes (of war, history, fortune)

very → extremely, in the extreme, immensely, intensely

yield → produce (results)










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